Monday, September 24, 2007

I am banned from diving for a month because of sore throat and coughing

Received a "sarcastic" and "unkind" message fm my diving instructor friend who has been discussing about having a weekend diving: "I am going out to PERHENTIAN island this weekend. You are not fit to dive even if you get well. So my kind advice is to take good rest and dive next time."

How can they go diving without waiting for me to get well from fever, sore throat and couching that has been troubling me for a week!

My diving instructor accidentally pressed my phone number just now. So i questioned: "How can your guys go diving without me! and why can't your guys wait for me one more week!"

His answer was even crueler:
"First, you will not be well this week, will you?"

"No, i don't think so."

"Second, even after you get well, you are not allowed to dive for a month."

"A month!!!"

:'( Who takes away my happiness with the nature!

1 comment:

chong y l said...


Your instructor is a true professional. His concern for your wellbeing and safety are the reasosn why he's strict with you -- thou shalt not deem his advice as "sarcastic". Yes, sometimes a teacher has to appear to be "Cruel" to be "Kind", but the truth will be revealed in the long term. not now, when one looks back at Wisdom in one professional sharing life's experience and showing humanity towards his "younger" charges:)